Newsletter of May! Here the News of the month from Miss Adele’s

May 11, 2022

Dear Parents,
Welcome to the month of May! We have had such a wonderful school year helping your child learn and grow.

Our VPK class will be graduating on Sunday, May 29th from 4:30-6:30pm at the Explorations V Children’s Museum. We have enjoyed each and every one of your children. Thank you for sharing them with us! Many of the children will be joining us for our summer camp, and we look forward to a few more fun months with them before they start elementary school.

This year’s summer camp will have lots of fun activities. We will be having water days, ice cream parties, a Hawaiian luau, Evergreen recital, pajama parties and much more fun for our children to relax and enjoy their summer.

Please check your Preschool child’s classroom calendar to see what your child will be doing each day. Feel free to ask your child’s teacher for more info on any calendar items. If you would like to have an end of year conference regarding your child’s progress, please ask their teacher and we will be happy to set one up.

We would also like to express our continued appreciation for all of our families, whether you’re new or you stayed through our transition, we appreciate you. We want to ensure everyone a peace of mind knowing our school is here and stable.

We have worked as a team to make sure that Miss Adele’s is the same great, fun, loving environment as it has always been. We have some new faces and everyone who is here is excited to be a part of your child’s learning experience.

If you ever have any questions please feel free to come and talk with us about any concerns or expressions.

Safety Reminders, Please remember all children need closed toed shoes on the playground. If children have green discharge from their nose, they need to be green free for at least 24 hours. If they are sent home with a fever they also need to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.

If they have 3 or more loose bowel movements, they will be sent home as well. This way our center and kiddos stay germ free. We want to work together to keep our children and staff healthy! Also Tuition is due by Wednesday of every week, after that will be a 25 dollar late fee added to the week.

We would also like to wish all of our mothers a Happy Mother’s Day. One of the most challenging yet most rewarding jobs in our lives is parenting. I feel so blessed to have so many fantastic families attending our school.

Much love from Mrs. Hope and the amazing staff at Ms. Adele

Dates to remember:
May 2-6: Teacher’s Appreciation Week
May 6: Flowers for Moms
May 08: Mother’s Day
May 30: Memorial Day – Miss Adele’s closed

1804 Richmond Road – Lakeland, FL 33803
Phone: (863) 682-3531
Fax: (863) 583-0449

VpK Classes

1804 Richmond Road – Lakeland, FL 33803
Phone: (863) 682-3531
Fax: (863) 583-0449

VpK Classes